Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day! (a day late!) ;)

Just thought I'd share some photos from this week!

Also, my Mom sent me a great Bible verse that spells out the word Valentine ;) I can't make it show up in a line when I type it out though! Basically it's John 3:16 but you highlight in red the letters that spell out VALENTINE. I can't do it justice on here!
For God so loVed the world,
That He gAve
His onLy
That whosoever
Believeth In Him
Should Not perish,
But have Everlasting life;

A HUGE thank you to Thrive for hosting a very Romantic Valentine's Dinner! Chiara did such a GREAT job making heart shaped cake centerpieces for each of the tables plus decorating! Thank you :)

For fun, we got to go play with some friends this week and decorate cards and cupcakes!

A few of these photos are of Abby making Valentine's for "friends"! She got to pass them out last night :) She carefully put stickers and foam hearts on each paper plus colored on each one very carefully :) Thanks Jen for the awesome clothes saver apron!

I also put some pics of the kids Dr's appointments! Abby's big enough now that she stands on the big person scale! They gave her a gown to wear in the hallway :) Too cute!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Growing up too fast :'-(

I took both kids to the Doctors today for their "well check ups". Christian is now 16 pounds, 4 ounces and is 25 1/2 inches long. Abigail is 26 pounds and is 34 1/4 inches tall! That puts her at 45% for her weight and 70% for her height. I told Abby's Dr. I'm a little concerned by her eating habits. She nibbles at food and then after a few days downs 3 plates full of whatever we're having! The dr. told me that kids are like gasoline tanks. When they are on empty, they refuel! That made me feel a lot better! I took pictures of the kids but can't find the cord to take the pictures off at the moment! Will update this post later ;)